




Interviewing is like using a new muscle- it takes reps, conditioning and strength training to be strong… Want us to spot you?

Drumroll please… top five common interview mistakes…

1)     NEGATIVITY-probably the number one thing I hear from Hiring Managers is the candidate was negative! It can be either in tone, or content or both. Even if you are feeling bitter about how things ended last, or even if your previous boss was super challenging to work with…dig deep and think of what you learned or gained from that previous experience.

2)    TOO CASUAL- Maybe just a case of TMI? Whatever you want to call it- this person you are talking to is interviewing you- even if they are friendly, and they make you feel comfortable, or it is an interview in a more casual setting, like a coffee shop- there is nothing casual about it… it is an interview. Be you, be genuine- but think of how you would choose to communicate, for example-when meeting the in-laws for the first time or talking to a professor at school!

3)    HOMEWORK- Haven’t researched the firm- can’t say one specific, genuine thing about the company or why you are interested in this role? Doesn’t look good my friend. It is hard to claim you are resourceful and hardworking if you haven’t taken the time to Google them. You do not need to know everything about the company before the first interview, but find a few things that speak to you- and be ready to speak on them!

4)    EVIDENCE- Know your resume… know the job you are applying for- think of specific examples to back up your claims- all too often I hear that candidates interviewing could not really provide concrete examples that demonstrate their skills (Pro-tip, review the job description prior- make sure you have concise specific examples standing by to highlight.)

5)    No THANK YOU! You are up against 3 or more people for any given role- how do you continue to differentiate yourself and stand out … with a strong, well written Thank You Note boss!!!!

BURKE UP. Just like any personal trainer- we are all up in your grill- jump higher. FLEX. You got this!