


Laid off due to Coronavirus? … Now what? Here are 5 ideas of where to start!


Laid off due to Coronavirus? … Now what?  Being laid off can be stressful under normal circumstances, but it can cause even more anxiety during a global pandemic when emotions are already high.  After you’ve filed your unemployment claim, take some time for yourself. Try to get in the right head space to set yourself up for success.

Here are 5 ideas of where to start!

1.    CONNECT.  Tap into your network. Reconnect with friends, mentors + old colleagues.  People are feeling isolated and are more readily available to connect during this surreal time. (At this point of Shelter in Place, it is refreshing to chat with someone new for them too!) These people that know and respect you are more likely to help and vouch for you!  See who your network can put you in touch with.

2.    BE STRATEGIC. Some industries have been more adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic than others. Now is the time to identify companies that have adapted well during this time or are more in demand than ever. (Think videoconferencing, healthcare, health-tech, online classes/education + even home hair dying kits- yes, even though this is the least of anyone’s problems, my roots are at a new level of not ok!) Here is one list of companies currently hiring.

3.    STAY FRESH. Take the time to update your resume and re-evaluate your presence on social media. Think of this time as an opportunity to develop your personal brand. What differentiates you from other applicants?

Some people are using this time to invest in new skills, take online courses that could better their candidacy as a new hire.


4.    THE INTERVIEW. Interviews are now all remote…but don’t let this fool you into thinking it is more casual or not as important as coming into the office. Do as much research and prepare as if it was an in-person interview. Since you now have more time on your hands, up your interview game. Practice interviewing with friends. Think about what relative skills and experience you bring to this specific role. Why would you be an asset to this team?


5.    PATIENCE. Try to be patient with yourself and employers. This is a tough time for everyone, and companies are experiencing challenges undergoing so much change in a short time. Show understanding and compassion. Recognize that the processes will go slower than usual, as companies are trying to adapt and navigate in this “new normal”. 

All of this can seem overwhelming.   I always encourage people to break down big, or intimidating tasks into small daily doses. Do one thing each day to help your search. Set achievable goals such as applying to 5 jobs a week or reach out to two people in your network each day.


Breathe deep, get outside, exercise, call friends and try to stay positive. As hard as this is, remember this is temporary.  We are always here to help you. We believe in you. Stay Strong. BURKE STRONG.